Map Experiment with Leaflet

My effort to start publishing maps of my walks and hikes online. Leaflet thru Github pages on Jekyll. Wish me luck.

Yea!! Partial success, a map with a pop-up marker. The correct map, but not a walk trace. (resolved)
I’ve been trying to add a “LineString” layer for days, literally, with no joy. So, I’ll keep reading and experimenting. It will come.

Double Yea!!. More success, and finally a trace of my walk/hike within the map. It’s embarrassing to think of how long this has taken and how many web searches I’ve made in the effort (hint:over a week).

This walk was through Russel Pond Campground in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. I was surveying the entire campground for suitable campsites for future visits.

Also, I’d be remiss for not giving a thank you and shout-out to David Vitale for his amazing work on the jekyll-leaflet plugin!